Latest News Items:
Cat found -- Wednesday January 17th, 2024
A white and gray/brown kitten was found outside at Sycamore Park Condominiums. He has white on his face and stomach and is mostly grey/brown on his back. If you have any information about this cat, please go to to contact the finder.
Have you seen Phoebe? -- Monday December 11th, 2023
Phoebe has been missing since 12/01/2023. If you have seen her, please go to to contact her owner.

Found Cat -- Monday December 11th, 2023
Do you know who this cat belongs to? She is not microchipped and very friendly. If you have any information about her, the finder can be contacted at

Have you seen Trenton? -- Tuesday August 29th, 2023
Trenton has been missing since December 27, 2022. He is seven years old, chipped, and neutered. Trenton can be wary of strangers and may appear feral. If you think you've seen Trenton, please call Gena Gallagher at 614-563-5642.
Stolen Cat -- Wednesday July 12th, 2023

Goodbye and thank you -- Saturday March 25th, 2023
After 26 years of fostering cats and kittens for Friends For Life, a foster mom and dad are retiring from fostering, down-sizing, and moving to Virginia in May. We are grateful and thankful for their service and help with rescuing cats and kittens with Friends for Line.
Unfortunately, they currently have some foster cats that cannot go with him that urgently need either adopted or a new foster home. All cats have been recently vet checked, are up to date on vaccines, micro-chipped, and flea-treated. If you have room in your heart and home for one of these fosters, or know someone who might, please contact us for more information.
Columbus Humane -- Saturday March 25th, 2023
From rats to parakeets and everything in between, Columbus Humane has a variety of pocket pet species available for adoption. In celebration of National Adopt a Guinea Pig Month, all pocket pets are 20% off their adoption fees now through the end of the month. Columbus Humane is open for adoption M-F 2PM-7PM and S-S 12PM-5PM.
Hae you seen Milani? -- Saturday September 24th, 2022
Milani has been missing since Sepember 12th. She is very skittish and may seem to be feral with the way she responds to stress. She is microchipped, spayed, and has claws. She is a gray tortoiseshell with chin coloring split in half down the middle. If you have any information about Milani, please contact FFLAH.

Have you seen Alfie? -- Tuesday September 20th, 2022
Alfie was last seen on September 9th in Columbus near E 20th Ave and Summit St. He is microchipped with the number 985112007353568. He has grayish black fur on his back and white legs. He was originally a long hair but has recently been shaved except for a puff at the end of his tail. He also has a spot on his ear and a cataract on one of his eyes. Please contact FFLAHif you have any information about Alfi.
Have you seen Ollie? -- Sunday September 11th, 2022
Ollie is a rat terrier who is mostly black with some white around his chest and chin. If you think you've seen Ollie, please go to for more information.
Kroger Community Rewards -- Saturday August 20th, 2022
We would like to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts (and all the animals I'm sure would say thank you) for your participation in the Kroger Community Rewards program. Every quarter we receive your donation from Kroger, and it does make a huge difference in the number of animals that we can assist. Please share with your family and friends this opportunity to help us help the community to continue to assist abused, neglected, and abandoned rescue animals.

Hi from Grey -- Saturday July 23rd, 2022
Grey was very shy when he was adopted but is living poof that these shy guys can turn around and find their place in a home. Please consider adopting a special needs shy guy. They can turn out to be the best.

Missing Cat -- Tuesday March 22nd, 2022
If you have seen Sprinkles, please call Will Bennett at 614-833-5696.

Help FFLAH with your holiday shopping -- Wednesday December 15th, 2021
Please keep in mind that when you shop with Amazon Smile or Kroger Community Rewards and list Friends for Life Animal Haven as your charity of choice, we get a donation back to our group with every purchase you make. It is an easy way to help Friends for Life Animal Haven reach more animals in need.
As always, thank you for your ongoing support to keep our mission of "No More Homeless Pets" in motion.

Giving Tuesday -- Monday November 29th, 2021

Kittens from Kentucky -- Thursday June 3rd, 2021
We recently received six 4-week old kittens from a shelter in Kentucky. Molly, the mother, was a stray who found shelter right before giving birth. The two black males are Harry and Sirius. The two tabby males are Ron and Neville. The two tabby females are Hermione and Ginny. Fill out an application now if you would like to adopt one when they are ready. We have special rates if you adopt two of these precious little bundles of happiness and love together.
PetCasso -- Monday May 17th, 2021

Join Columbus College of Art and Design (CCAD) students and adoptable pets from Columbus Humane as they lead you through a painting class with your pets (without the mess)! Registration includes one canvas, paints and supplies to create a masterpiece with your pet. Plan to have peanut butter, wet food or another tasty treat for your friend to help paint during the class. All proceeds will be split evenly between Columbus Humane and CCAD. Are you curious if your pet has a creative side or are you looking for a new piece of art to hang in your home? – this event is for you! Click here to sign up.
Have you seen this cat? -- Thursday March 18th, 2021
This cat was last seen on March 9th near E 7th Avenue and Hamlet Street in Weinland Park, Columbus (north of downtown). She is microchipped. She is black with white feet and and white on her chest and has a notch on her left ear. She is also very shy and will hide from strangers. If you have seen her, please call or text (614) 905-0792 or (614) 370-8129.

Rock The House For Animals -- Wednesday April 29th, 2020
The Humane Society of the United States is hosting a virtual benefit on April 30th at 7 PM EDT. Go to for details.

Petco is supporting shelters during Covid-19 -- Wednesday April 8th, 2020
Go to to see how the Petco Foundation is supporting shelters during the pandemic.
Coronavirus and Pets -- Friday March 27th, 2020
The CDC has some good advice regarding the coronavirus and pets. Go to to read more.
Winchester Veterinary Clinic is still open -- Friday March 27th, 2020
Winchester Veterinary clinic is still open with modified hours and curbside service. Go to for the details.
Petsmart and Pet-Valu are still open -- Friday March 27th, 2020
Petsmart and Pet-Valu are still open with modified hours. Petsmart is also offering curbside service. For Petsmart, go to for more details. For Pet-Valu, go to
Spayghetti Dinner Rescheduled -- Saturday March 14th, 2020
We have decided to reschedule our annual Spayghetti dinner until some time in August. We will post an exact date when we have one.
Amazon Smile now supported on Android -- Tuesday September 24th, 2019
Android users can now support Friends for Life using AmazonSmile when shopping through the Amazon app.
1. Make sure you have the latest version.
2. View Settings and select AmazonSmile.
3. Follow the in-App instructions to complete the process.
