Friends For Life Animal Haven
P.O. Box 7
Canal Winchester, OH 43110
(614) 837-6260
Kittens   |  Teens   |  Adults   |  Seniors   |  Special Needs   |  Cats: 21

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  Friends For Life Animal Haven

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Our Mission

Founded in 1993, Friends For Life Animal Haven is an 100% all-volunteer "no-kill" organization dedicated to the goal of "no more homeless pets".

We are committed to promoting better care and understanding of companion animals through education with an emphasis on the importance and benefits of spaying and neutering.

To ensure that animals leave our care unable to reproduce and contribute to pet overpopulation, we advocate and use pediatric spay/neuter, and we have implemented a mandatory spay/neuter policy for all our animals prior to adoption.

As a non-profit 501(C)(3) organization, Friends For Life Animal Haven receives no government funding and relies on the generosity of others to continue its mission.


Our Story

Mary Lou Kunkler had been an animal lover all of her life so when she read an article in "Cat Fancy" about a facility in California called Living Free, it was almost as though the proverbial light turned on.  She thought "this is what I want for homeless animals".  Living Free is a no-cage sanctuary allowing animals relative freedom as they await their adoptive homes.

After speaking with Living Free, she was given a lot of advice and took to the library to research how to become a 501(c)3.  Sharing her vision a board was formed consisting of Mary Lou Kunkler, Rona Shapiro, DVM, and David Meyers, business administrator, psychologist, and author.

Despite many names being discussed, it was when Mary Lou picked up a small book distributed by Purina, "Friends For Life", that she knew.  Mary Lou wrote to the Purina Corporation, explained the concept of the new organization, and asked permission to use the name of their book title.  Purina graciously granted approval.

When it came to a logo, Mary Lou wanted a dog and cat looking at a star to symbolize 1) pets wishing upon a star for a forever and loving home; 2) to remind humans who work for and with homeless animals that animals are the stars of the show, and even though we may be lauded in our efforts, it's the animals that are to be honored, and 3) to look to heaven for guidance and perserverance for it is from there that all blessings come.

Since its establishment, Friends For Life Animal Haven has been privileged to meet, care for and find homes for thousands of animals.  Being a no-kill rescue, those animals who are not adopted, live out their lives, loved by the fosters who care for them.

Our Founder Mary Lou Kunkler retired as a board member of Friends For Life Animal Haven at the end of 2023, after 30 years of unpaid and unwaivering volunteer service.  She still remains dedicated to 
helping homeless animals as a foster with FFLAH, as our board continues our mission in her retirement.  

In honor of our founder 
Mary Lou Kunkler, we would not be where we are today without you.

Mary Lou 1